Inside Integration Episode 5.5: So Many Meetings

Episode 5.5

Bonus episode! Fresh off a jam packed day of meetings, Jayson and Chris drag themselves through exploring what reps actually do, share a little more about where we’re coming from with this podcast and our β€œwhy”, talk about buying groups, do some horsing around, and get you up to speed on what's going on in the world of Custom Integration.

πŸš€ Welcome to a Special Edition of Inside Integration! πŸŽ‰

Join Chris and Jayson on this wild ride where they're not just tired, they're end-of-a-marathon tired. But hey, they're here, they're caffeinated, and they're ready to dive headfirst into the chaos that is this bonus episode! πŸŽ™οΈ

✨ What's the vibe? Think pinball machine on overdrive with a sprinkle of humor and a dash of "Did they really just say that?" πŸ€ͺ

In this episode: A Day in the Life: Chris and Jayson share the rollercoaster that was their day. Expect tales of back-to-back meetings, caffeine crashes, and why they might sound like they're on the brink of a nap. πŸ˜΄β˜•οΈ

The Rep Life: Ever wonder what it's like to be the messenger everyone wants to shoot? Dive into the glamorous (and not-so-glamorous) life of a sales rep. Spoiler: It's not all fancy lunches and smooth sailing. πŸŒŠπŸ”«

Horse Money and Yacht Dreams: From the opulence of yacht money to the peculiar thought of horses on boats, things take an unexpectedly hilarious turn. Yes, we're as surprised as you are. πŸ΄πŸ’ΈπŸ›₯️

Lightapalooza and Sony Pro Roadshow: Get the lowdown on these upcoming industry events. If you're into lighting or Sony's latest pro offerings, you won't want to miss what Chris and Jayson have to say. Bonus points for spotting them in the wild! πŸŒŸπŸ“Έ

Buying Groups and You: A candid chat about the world of buying groups. Are they the secret sauce to your business's success, or just another club you're not sure you want to join? Let's find out. πŸ€πŸ’°

The Great Horse Transport Debate: Because why wouldn't we debate the logistics of transporting horses via FedEx? This is the content you didn't know you needed. πŸŽπŸ“¦

So, if you're looking for industry insights sprinkled with random musings and possibly questionable humor, you're in the right place. Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy (but entertaining) ride!

πŸ‘ Smash that like button if you enjoy living on the edge with us, and don't forget to subscribe for more unexpected turns and industry banter.

πŸ’¬ Got thoughts, reactions, or just want to share your preferred method of horse transportation? Drop us a comment below –

Catch you on the flip side at Lightapalooza and the Sony Pro Roadshow – where the real magic happens! 🎩

✨ Here's some links:

Lightapalooza 2024 More info here πŸ‘‰

Register here πŸ‘‰

Elemental LED: πŸ‘‰

Golden Corral: πŸ‘‰

Transporting a horse on your yacht: πŸ‘‰

#InsideIntegration #BonusEpisode #SalesRepLife #Lightapalooza #SonyPro #TechHumor #IndustryInsights #vantage , #ElementalLED , #Colorbeam , #BlackNova , and #screeninnovations #lighting #design #fixtures #interiordesign

#vantage , #ElementalLED , #Colorbeam , #BlackNova , and #screeninnovations #lighting #design #fixtures #interiordesign